Scotland Hub Launch

We were delighted to welcome almost 100 people to our Women in Transport Scotland hub launch on 25th March. For out very first event, we aimed to provide a taster session of some activities that Women in Transport Scotland will facilitate in the future, which made for a packed but engaging programme. In this blog article, we aim to share with you what happened during the evening.

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Scotland Hub: Meet the volunteers

Our volunteers are an integral part of our organisation and there are plenty of ways to get involved and help, from helping us making new connections, sharing ideas about future activities through to regular volunteering roles. We wouldn’t function without our dedicated team of volunteers that helps us run Women in Transport! Find out a bit more about volunteers and why they enjoy running the Scotland Hub of Women in Transport.

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Cross-party group of Parliamentarians calls on government and transport industry to challenge macho culture

Today (International Women’s Day), parliamentarians from across the political spectrum have called on government and the transport industry to challenge macho behaviours and culture in the transport workplace, following the publication of new research by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Women in Transport and the industry group, Women in Transport.

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Women in Transport launches in Scotland

Women in Transport are officially crossing the border with the establishment of an exciting new Scotland hub. With the recent launch of the Scotland National Transport Strategy and the eyes of the world on Glasgow as the COP26 conference meets in November, there has never been a more exciting or pivotal time for transport in Scotland.

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Bridging the Gender Gap in Micro-Mobility: Voi joins Women in Transport

Voi Technology is proud to be the first micro-mobility operator to join Women in Transport, to make the transport sector a better industry through diversity, gender parity, and inclusion. According to data from the EU, only 22% of transport workers are women, and we want to encourage women to leave their mark on what continues to be a male-dominated field.

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Let's focus on the positive!

I’m currently reading our next book club read - How Women Rise. It’s a great read and talks about how focusing on things that lie within your control can help improve your situation and clear your path to success whereas focusing on external factors that aren’t in your control can be an exercise in frustration. On that note, we can’t change the pandemic but at Women in Transport we have taken some positive steps in 2020 to support our members and to ensure the future of our network.

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Shaping Zero: Towards net zero carbon for infrastructure

On 3 November, Rachel Skinner, one of the founder members of Women in Transport and our Patron, became the 156th President of the Institution of Civil Engineers and marked the start of her year with ICE's first ever fully-virtual Inaugural Address. Rachel spoke passionately about just one issue: Net-Zero Carbon and the need for civil engineers to act together, urgently, to help reduce carbon emissions and therefore address climate change.

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