Excitingly, our second year of the Women in Transport Equity Index survey is now open. Click here to take it! This annual index is a comprehensive benchmarking tool to assess gender equity in the transport sector. Please note that this survey is for companies to complete and is open to all businesses associated with the transport sector, whether UK-based or with operations in the UK.
We are Seeking Sponsors for the 2024 Equity Index
To ensure the initiative's success, we are actively seeking sponsors dedicated to advancing gender equity in the transport industry.
Become a sponsor to advocate for meaningful change within the sector.
For sponsorship opportunities and more information read our Sponsors Pack or contact us at sue.terpilowski@womenintransport.com.
Your participation this year is especially important as we build on last year's data, allowing us to track progress and monitor trends. The survey provides an invaluable opportunity to identify areas of improvement and success and inform the next steps in advancing DEI across the transport sector.
The survey is short and straightforward, taking 10-15 minutes to complete. To increase its impact, we encourage you to share it with your supply chains and partners.
Join us in redefining the global standard for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the transport sector. Register now to shape a more diverse and equitable future for the industry!
How to Take the Survey
WORK180's Progress Hub provides an easy-to-use platform where you can access the survey. Here's how:
Log into the WORK180 dedicated page https://work180.com/en-gb/for-employers/how-we-can-help/women-in-transport-index-survey
Click "Get Started"
Complete and submit the survey
A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors
We want to express our thanks and gratitude to our current sponsors for their support in making this initiative possible:
Gold Sponsor: The Seafarers' Charity
Silver Sponsors: Album, First Bus, Image Line Communications and Urban Transport Group
Supporter: Mobility Lab
Their contributions are vital to the success of this initiative and to creating a more inclusive industry.
About the Women in Transport Equity Index Project
Welcome to the groundbreaking Women in Transport Equity Index Project—a trailblazing initiative dedicated to transforming the transport sector through a steadfast commitment to diversity and equity. Building on the success of our inaugural equity index, we are now preparing for the launch of our second 2024 Index and actively seeking sponsorship to support this important endeavour.
Our collaborative index not only sets a crucial benchmark but also acknowledges and celebrates best practices across the industry. This initiative is far more than just an index; it serves as a powerful catalyst for ongoing progress, motivating companies to champion positive change and cultivate a more inclusive and equitable transport sector.
Project Lead
With over 36 years of experience, Sue Terpilowski OBE founded Image Line Communications, which has evolved into a premier PR, marketing, and visual event agency in the logistics, freight, ports, maritime and supply chain sectors. Sue is a proactive advocate for diversity and inclusion in maritime and logistics, earning the OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours in 2014 for her impactful work and advocacy on behalf of micro and small businesses in London.
Project Partner
WORK180 is dedicated to establishing, reviewing, and driving global standards to create excellent workplaces for all women. Their commitment extends to positively impacting women of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Informed by their team of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) experts and guided by an intersectional lens, their standards reflect input from our global community of women and employers across various industries and align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Women in Transport Equity Index Report 2023
Women in Transport is proud to present the 2023 Women in Transport Equity Index Report. This comprehensive report serves as a crucial benchmarking tool, highlighting the pressing need for change within the transport sector. To delve into the findings and insights, download the full report using the button below.
The Merchant Navy Welfare Board, Bicycle Association, Kier and Mobility Lab are our 2023 report sponsors. The Women in Transport Equity Index was supported by CIHT, Diversity in Maritime, ITS UK, WISTA UK, Women in Boat Building, Women in Logistics UK, Women in Rail, and The Worshipful Company of Carmen.
Our partners were WORK180 and All Party Parliamentary Group for Women in Transport.
The Challenge and The Opportunities
The report reveals alarming statistics, emphasising the urgent need for gender equity in the industry:
Only 23% of the workforce identifies as women, with over half of them in non-transport roles.
Shockingly, 58% of organisations admit to a gender pay gap of 11% or more, surpassing the national average.
A staggering 54% of organisations lack formal targets, commitments, or quotas for gender diversity.
59% offer no support to primary carers through paid parental leave.
While 94% of organisations claim openness to flexible working arrangements, challenges persist for women.
88% offer flexible start and finish times, falling short of addressing deep-rooted gender disparities.
Celebrating Our 2023 Winners
We launched the Women in Transport Equity Index Report 2023 at Turner & Townsend in St Paul’s celebrating our overall index winners and highly commending our individual category winners. Our thanks to these trailblazing companies for leading in the way and helping us drive equity in transport by sharing data to support the sector as a whole.
Overall winner: Southeastern
Bus and Coach: Lothian Buses
Cross-sector: Reed Mobility
Consultant: Turner & Townsend
Cycling: Brompton
Logistics: RHA
Maritime: Port of Dover and Nuclear Transport Solutions
Rail: LNER
Women in Transport Equity Index 2023 Highly Commended Award Winners
Participating is free. The survey will officially open in June 2024. You can register your interest by emailing sue.terpilowski@womenintransport.com. Once we have verified your information and the survey is live, you will receive a link to take the survey. Please note that there may be a gap between registering and getting the link. Please bear with us, as we are all volunteers.
The data you provide allows us to create unique anonymous aggregated indexes, covering both the sub-sector of transport you have identified to be in and the overall Transport index.
Your summary enables you to benchmark yourselves against others and the overall Transport index. It will help you understand where you are and learn what others are doing to drive forward diversity and inclusion. You can also access the relevant sheets from the hub to help you gain further insights into areas you may wish to improve on.
All data collected is anonymised and aggregated to ensure the privacy of participating organisations. The data we will be collecting includes a set of mandatory and optional questions. View the full list here.
The index survey typically takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. We have designed it to be efficient and user-friendly while capturing essential data for measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in the transport industry.
The survey will run from September to November 2024. The headline data will be shared at the Women in Transport Winter Receptions and the full report will be released in March 2025.
WORK180, our partner in the survey, will send you a link to the survey platform. You will also get a link to the hub with fact sheets etc., from WORK180.
You also have the unique opportunity to take their full survey for FREE, normally costing £2500. If you complete the full DEI assessment (over 150 questions), WORK180 will supply your company with your own report. -
Registration form data. All information submitted will be held by Women in Transport in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and 2018 Data Protection Act and will be treated confidentially. Information will only be shared as necessary for the purposes of sending the survey link.
All data collected is anonymised and aggregated to ensure the privacy of participating organisations. The insights and trends derived from the data empower us to provide valuable recommendations and solutions for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Your organisation’s data will be handled with the utmost care and used solely for the purpose of generating insights and driving positive industry-wide transformation.
WORK180. All data collected is anonymised and aggregated to ensure the privacy of participating organisations. The insights and trends derived from the data empower us to provide valuable recommendations and solutions for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Your organisation’s data will be handled with the utmost care and used solely for the purpose of generating insights and driving positive industry-wide transformation. The link to the Privacy Policy can be found here.
The top five in the indexes will receive a 2024 badge and certificate they can use as they wish. You are free and we encourage you to share that you have participated in the survey. Don't forget to share on social hashtag #WomeninTransportEquityIndex #EquityinTransport
Reach out to Sue Terpilowski, Equity Index Project Lead: sue.terpilowski@womenintransport.com