The beginning of the year offers time for reflection on the previous year. Women in Transport always strives to meet and exceed the expectations of its members.
As part of that effort, we conduct a periodic survey to understand what members think. The 2023 Women in Transport member survey set out to learn what members valued and benefited from most, understand areas we could improve and solicit ideas for new events and activities.
Here’s what we found out.
Firstly, a bit of context in terms of who answered the survey. We received responses from across the UK with a fairly even distribution of newer and more established members. About three-quarters had attended at least one event over the past year, the majority in London or Scotland.
As for the results, we had a few key takeaways:
• Positive word of mouth: We’re pleased that members’ likelihood to recommend Women in Transport to a colleague continues to remain high. Help us get the word out!
• Members’ most value networking and knowledge building opportunities: Accordingly the networking events were some of the most popular – especially the seasonal receptions. Site visits, skill development sessions, the International Women’s Day event, and the APPG reception all received praise as well.
• Desire to improve professionally: When asked what types of events members would like to see, there was high demand for professional development sessions, networking tips and gender equity discussions.
• Moving the transport industry forward: Members also expressed high interest in discussing industry topics, especially digitalisation, sustainability and mode specific sessions.
• Communications: Most members learn about activities and events via emails and monthly newsletters as well as LinkedIn.
Plenty of you indicated that you would be willing to nominate a speaker or volunteer your time, so if anything from the above inspires you please do get in touch!
A big thank you to everyone who responded to the survey. We hope to hear from even more of you next year.
Annual membership of Women in Transport is £60 per year providing access to professional development and networking opportunities. We very much welcome guest blogs from our members - a great way to share the incredible diversity of opportunity in transport, raise your profile and connect with our community. Join us today.
Follow us @transportwm on Twitter, on Linkedin at Women in Transport and at @transportwmn on Instagram for events, news and updates.
In Insight Tags blog, partner, womenintransport