Women in Transport CEO, Sonya Byers, talks about her involvement and career within transport sector and helping women excel within the industry.
Sonya Byers and Daljit Kalirai
What is your role on the board?
I have the privilege of being the Chief Executive of Women in Transport.
How long have you been involved with Women in Transport?
I have been a member since 2008 so 15 years this year. I joined the board as a volunteer in April 2013 and was appointed to be the Events and CPD Chair. In 2017, I was elected to Vice President. I proposed the role of Chief Executive in December 2018 and took on the position in January 2019. Initially it was for three months and here I am five years later!
Why did you join Women in Transport?
I was a transport planner and looking for an opportunity for networking and professional development. I picked up a flyer at an event on gender balance in architecture and liked the look of the events programme so I joined. It remains the best career decision that I have ever made.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Women in Transport?
I love meeting new people, hearing their stories and what they do in transport. It's fascinating to learn about the pathways into transport and the variety of roles.
What does your current job involve?
Every day is different. I oversee the operational running of Women in Transport, working closely with our team, board members and volunteers to deliver on our mission of supporting the professional development of women working in transport. I meet regularly with existing and potential partners. I raise awareness of the work we do by speaking at and attending industry events and writing articles for industry press. I co-founded and co-chair our D&I Bus Group with Chloe Leach O'Connell. I co-designed and co-deliver our annual Advance mentoring programme with Angela Gainsford, supported by our mentee and mentor engagement leads. I am also a board member on the Transport Employment Skills Taskforce (TEST). There's certainly never a dull moment!
What's the best thing about your job?
100% the people. We have the most amazing team of passionate volunteers and I'm incredibly proud of the work that we do together. I get to work with people who are incredibly generous with their time and skills and dedicated to accelerating equity. I see the positive impact of that collaboration and effort every single day. It's truly wonderful when I see our members thriving and feeling welcomed within our network.
How did you become involved in the transport industry?
Quite by chance. I joined a transport survey team through a family friend as a stop-gap to finding a full-time role after University and it turned into a career in transport.
What do you like about working in transport?
Transport connects people and places. The sector is constantly evolving and there are so many exciting opportunities and innovations. It is a great sector to be part of.
What are you most proud of?
It’s a tough question because I am so proud of the whole team at Women in Transport and the difference we make every day.
On a personal note, I am incredibly proud of our Advance mentoring programme. Angela and I were connected at a Mince Pies and Networking event in 2016. Over coffee, we created the draft plan for the pilot programme. I never imagined we would still be working together seven years later. We've also collaborated on creating and delivering a mentoring programme for another membership organisation. It's wonderful to see the positive outcomes of mentoring for both mentees and mentors. We've created something very special together. I also found a mentor and friend for life so that's pretty amazing too.
Photo descriptions:
Sonya at a Women in Transport Partner Roundtable 2023 facilitated by Jo Major and Gary Lincoln
Sonya chairing the Mobility Camp 2023 opening panel with Sandra Witzel, Georgia Yexley, Pauline Johnston and Isabel Clement
Sonya, Angela Gainsford, Steve Griffiths and Joanna Hill at Highways UK 2023
Sonya, Asiya Jelani, Steve Griffiths, Gillian Risdale, Matthew Regan at Welsh Parliament for the Wales Hub launch in 2022
Sonya with Rachel Skinner CBE (Patron) and Lauren Sager-Weinstein (Founding board member) at an All Party Parliamentary Group for Women in Transport event
Sonya with Chloe Leach O’Connell and Caroline Ward from the D&I Bus Group on the way to the UK Bus Awards 2023
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