Get involved in the Leading With Courage and Confidence Journal research project

Women in Transport members Karen Powell and Lesley Heath are co-founders of A Matter of Choice (AMOC) and are seeking participants for a research project examining changing leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Their mission is to capture and share your stories about the changing landscape of business to preserve lessons learnt and insights gained to build connections between people and create a better business world. Involvement in this project will give all participants an opportunity for their own personal growth and the commitment at AMOC is to continue to work with you on this development.

Karen and Lesley want to do this to ensure the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 on business, and leadership and the consequential changes are not lost. The pandemic has brought devastation and fear to businesses, but it is providing a window of opportunity to deal with entrenched male dominated cultures as the ways of working are having to change.

The old world of leadership has to change, and a new style of leadership takes it place. These changes are emerging on an almost daily basis and AMOC want to ensure that the powerful lessons learnt are captured as the changing ways of working begin to shape organisations and bring new organisational cultures. The project will create an invaluable archive for future generations of business leaders who have not experienced such a situation. Imagine a 21st century pensieve, a way of capturing memories so others can review them.

If you are interested in getting involved then you can read the full research brief here.

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