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TRANSport: Exploring Trans Experiences of Transport

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Event Hosted by Breathe (KPMG’s LGBT+ network) and the Department for Transport’s LGBT+ and Allies Network in honour of Trans Day of Remembrance

Please join this interactive session exploring trans inclusion in transport. Some of the leading voices in Transport, Media, and KPMG’s own Advisory practice will come together for an interactive lunch time session in honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance. The session will focus on the current challenges trans people face when using transport as well as addressing how individuals and organizations within the sector can make positive changes to be more trans-inclusive.

The event will be kicked off by Mel Knight, Partner within KPMG’s IGH Advisory Function and closed off by Nick Joyce, Director General at the Department for transport. The session will highlight why this is a significant issue for the transport sector and where we are currently at, including case studies from transport operators in the UK and Network Rail, who have been trying to address this.

key speakers will share their varied experiences before opening the floor to questions.

Objectives of the event:

  • Give insights into the lived experiences of trans individuals when using transport services;

  • Understand the importance of improving transport safety for the trans community’’;

  • Explore ways that transport organizations can act to be more trans inclusive through learning from their passengers and other sectors.

To see the speaker bios, click here...

Please pre-register via Eventbrite as spaces are limited; these will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.