The Makeshift Home Office

Working remotely and having to set up makeshift offices in our homes will have presented many of us with a wide range of challenges. While all our situations may be different, Iain Smith, Women in Transport board member, looks at the common problems and offers a number of helpful suggestions and tips to make our home working environment more comfortable and efficient.

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Career and Success Acceleration Coaching Program for Women

Career and Success Acceleration Coaching Program for Women

Shona Rowan is an international performance and mind-set consultant, inspirational speaker and high-performance coach with over 20 years of experience. Shona is offering an exclusive discount for Women in Transport members for her popular Career Acceleration Coaching Program: The Psychology of Successful Women, beginning 17 June 2020. The program is a highly practical format, small group, results-focused coaching program specifically designed to help women take charge of their career and maximise success.

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Support Women in Transport

Support Women in Transport

At the end of March, I wrote a message detailing how Women in Transport was adapting to COVID-19 to continue our mission of supporting and advancing women working in transport in the UK and in particular our plans for supporting our members during these difficult times. As we approach the end of May, I’m asking for the help of our network to help us continue our mission.

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Managing your wellbeing and mental health

Managing your wellbeing and mental health

In a matter of months, our lives have undergone a significant change - at a global level due to COVID-19. Each of us is experiencing a different situation that is unique to our individual circumstances. During these uncertain times, looking after our mental health and wellbeing is absolutely crucial. At the end of April, Women in Transport members benefited from an excellent online session with Lesley Heath and Karen Powell from A Matter of Choice, designed to provide us with positive strategies and techniques to support our mental health and wellbeing as we navigate through uncharted waters.

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Financial Wellbeing: Protecting you and your family

Financial Wellbeing: Protecting you and your family

The pandemic has definitely changed the world around us and we hope you have not been too affected. We are aware financial worries have increased substantially over the past few weeks and so Morrinson Wealth Wellbeing will be sharing articles with hints and tips or quick calls to action that people can make to alleviate financial pressures.

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Join the DfT's Transport Heroes Campaign

Join the DfT's Transport Heroes Campaign

The Transport Heroes campaign aims to raise awareness of the great work the transport sector is doing at the frontline to help keep Britain moving during these extraordinary times. The DfT want to feature people from the transport sector however this manifests itself. There are many jobs that are not so visible but are critical to keep the country moving.

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Top Tips for working from home

Top Tips for working from home

With the move to homeworking now being a reality for many of us, we have put together some guidance which we hope will help you get the most from working in this way.

We recognise we have a mix of experiences when it comes to home working - for some this is the first time of working in this way, others may have been working in this way for a long time and for some this is not a way of working that they enjoy. Whatever your situation, we hope these tips will help you to stay focused, productive and positive.

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Communication & collaboration – the reason behind a new online platform - talk-mobility

Communication & collaboration – the reason behind a new online platform - talk-mobility

The idea for an online collaborative platform for the highways and ITS industry is a concept of Women in Transport member, Helen Blood. Late 2019 she approached the Institute of Highways Engineers (IHE), thanks to an introduction by a long-standing client and IHE member, looking for support to realise her idea. As a key organisation supporting the highways industry, then IHE Chairman Richard Hayes immediately saw the potential for such a platform and discussions commenced.

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Working together to keep gender on the agenda – now more than ever

Working together to keep gender on the agenda – now more than ever

Women in Transport is delighted to be joining 20 organisations in an initiative led by WISE Campaign calling for gender balance to stay on the agenda. We will be pooling our resources in a joint effort to ensure we continue to engage, nurture, grow and understand the important contribution of women in science, technology and engineering in the UK, now and for the future.

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Get involved in the Leading With Courage and Confidence Journal research project

Women in Transport members Lesley Heath and Karen Powell co-founded the "A Matter of Choice" consultancy. They are seeking participants for a journal led research project on changing leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic. Their mission is to capture people’s stories about business and leadership through the coming weeks so the lessons learnt are not lost. The project will provide a valuable archive for future generations and they believe it may provide some insight and impetus to help change command and control leadership structures.

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Are you 1 of the million?

Are you 1 of the million?

We are asking you to join a new campaign led by our friends at WISE - The 1 of the Million Campaign. The online campaign will put a face to the 1 million women working in core STEM roles in the UK. It will promote gender balance in STEM and showcase role models who may inspire more girls and women to pursue, return to, or retrain in STEM. We would love to raise the visibility of the essential role of women working in transport and to showcase the fantastic role models in our sector.

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Meeting the transport heroes who go above and beyond

Meeting the transport  heroes who go above and beyond

Taking a peak behind the scenes and getting an insight into the more unusual jobs in the transport sector is a feature of our events programme. One of our recent revelations was a visit to the British Transport Police (BTP) Specialist Operations Department in North London, where we discovered the amazing contribution women make to keeping our railways safe and secure.

It was a such an interesting and enlightening experience, meeting women doing incredible jobs such as firearms officers, dog handlers, members of the Working at Heights Team and the Specialist Response Unit.

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