2024: A Year of Reflection and a Look Ahead for Women in the Bus Industry
The past year has marked a pivotal shift, moving beyond the immediate aftermath of the pandemic and focusing on building a sustainable future for bus services. Government support during the crisis was instrumental in weathering the storm, but now the industry's gaze is firmly fixed on a future where bus services are recognised as an indispensable component of our transportation infrastructure.
A key focus within this vision is empowering women within the industry and supporting our female customers. Recognising the value of diversity and inclusion, many ALBUM (Association of Local Bus Managers) operators are actively working to create a more equitable and supportive workplace for women. Initiatives such as mentorship programs, leadership training, and flexible work arrangements are being implemented to attract and retain female talent.
The Women in Transport team has been instrumental in providing opportunities for women in the bus industry, and we are pleased to partner with them again. By offering membership and participation in events, the team has created a supportive community where women can network, learn, and grow.
Looking ahead, the bus industry is poised for further growth and transformation. By prioritising sustainability, innovation, and diversity, the sector can meet the evolving needs of passengers and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future. Our partnership with Women in Transport allows ALBUM bus operators and suppliers from across the country to be WIT members and access a learning and support network.
Our award-winning members will share their success stories of women in the bus industry and the work they do to support women travelling by bus. For example…
In September, ALBUM member, Lothian became the first UK transport provider to enter into a partnership with Strut Safe, a nationwide telephone service which offers a friendly, supportive voice at the end of the line to anyone feeling unsafe or vulnerable while walking in public late at night.
Strut Safe’s message is being amplified across Edinburgh and the Lothians through the operator’s bus digital screens and social media channels. With approximately 2 million customer journeys per week, and as we enter into the dark winter months, it is hoped that the partnership will help customers feel more confident and empowered while making that end-to-end journey.
Our partnership packages are a flexible and accessible way to support Women in Transport and your organisation's equity, diversity and inclusion objectives. Learn more about our partnership opportunities here and contact us if you would like a meeting to discuss how we can work together.
Follow us @transportwm on Twitter, on LinkedIn at Women in Transport and at @transportwmn on Instagram for events, news and updates.