What is your role on the board?
Regional Lead (West Midlands) Board Member
Why did you join Women in Transport?
I am keen to use my experiences to help young women find their voice and evolve their careers in transport sector which is still dominated by men.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Women in Transport?
I am honestly blown away every time I am involved in Women in Transport events and interactions about how kind, helpful and supportive everyone is - you are never allowed to feel alone. This is simply amazing and everyone should experience.
Current job title
Sales Director
What does your current job involve?
I lead the sales department for the bus division at National Express. Enthusiastically driving revenue growth strategies in a politically and environmentally sensitive landscape.
What's the best thing about your job?
Meeting people
How did you become involved in the transport industry?
By accident not design. It was early in my career as I tried to find out what I was good at and passionate about, transport ticked those boxes.
What do you like about working in transport?
Realising how much I really enjoyed being a crucial part of people's everyday lives.
What are you most proud of?
Influencing and driving change that helped remove barriers to accessing public transport such as contactless payments and my daughter posting how proud she was of me as she used her phone for the first time to board an NX bus.
Annual membership of Women in Transport is £60 per year providing access to professional development and networking opportunities. We very much welcome guest blogs from our members - a great way to share the incredible diversity of opportunity in transport, raise your profile and connect with our community. Join us today.
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